The Birth of Cherish U
In 2014, a young woman from Metro Detroit, Brielle Edwards, JD founded Cherish U organization. As a single mother herself, Brielle knew there would be many obstacles, life challenges to face in fulfilling her dreams and aspirations. So, she decided to create Cherish U to uplift and encourage single mothers, letting them know they aren’t alone, and there is a support system available to them. Brielle was a prime example of what you Believe, you truly can achieve!
We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.
Our Mission
Our Mission here at Cherish U is to encourage single mothers that life doesn’t stop after motherhood! It is our goal to incorporate a network of mothers, all ages, form positive relationships, provide mentorships, provide resources for pursuance of career and educational goals, housing, and host seminars for emotional and financial well- being.
Our Vision
Our vision is that we will provide key resources and tools to assist & be a support system for single mothers regarding careers, finances, self-care, mind & body! Create a network of mentorships and relationships helping single mothers to succeed in all walks of life in lieu of life challenges and obstacles. “Believe and you will achieve.”